Our newest little girl was born September 30th. 8 pounds, 12 ounces, 20 1/4 inches long.
She is pretty perfect.
Despite the fact that she is a wonderful baby who is generous enough to let us get sufficient sleep, my brain is mush. Just like "pregnancy brain"... "mommy brain" is a very REAL thing!
Several times over the last 5 weeks I have opened my laptop with a wonderful topic to write about, ready to be alone with my own thoughts and....... then I have nothing.
No, wait that's not true.
I have pinterest...and facebook...and amazon...
Things that I can mindlessly scroll through for hours before realizing that I never
finished (or even started, oops) that blog post! And now baby is awake and ready to eat again. Maybe I will get to that post later...
....or maybe I will actually do one of the things I have pinned on pinterest.
As I am recovering from a cesarean I'm a little bit slow to get back to "normal" (whatever that is). Though the times I feel some energy, I get all excited and motivated to do things!
Like, 5 things.
At the same time.
Last night I started to organize my closet, then I remembered that I wanted to take out the baby's newborn stuff that she has already grown out of. I went to her room, folded three footie sleepers and started to pile them on the floor when I remember that we don't have any burp cloths clean. I gathered up all the girls' blankets and towels and started them in the washer. While I was in the basement I remembered that I needed to do a couple things for my Etsy shop. I went upstairs and printed out some order invoices for custom orders I need to make. I took the invoices out to the kitchen table and realized I needed to make dinner. Got dinner ready for the three-year-old, nursed the baby, and started to clean up the kitchen. Husband comes home and asks why there is a small pile of footie sleepers on the floor of the baby's room.
Oh yeah, I forgot I was doing that. Oops.
Is postpartum ADD a real thing?